This one was a no fuss and all joy type of cake. I have no humiliating stories to share this time :)
The biscuit:
4 eggs
1,5 dl sugar
1 dl flour
0,5 dl potato starch ( I didn't have it and I used corn starch instead, worked out great)
1 tsp baking powder
For moistening:
0,5 dl orange juice (I made fresh juice)
0,5 dl strong black coffee
0,5 dl cognac (didn't have any, so I used brandy instead)
2 eggs
1 dl sugar
2 dl 35% cream (for making whipped cream)
200 gr mascarpone cream cheese
2 tsp orange zest
I added strawberries as well later under the filling to the biscuit.
For decoration:
cocoa powder
fresh strawberries
Beat the eggs with sugar into a foam like mixture. Mix flour, starch and baking powder and add to egg mixture. Stir the mixture into a baking form and bake at 225 C about 6-8 minutes. Remove from form and let cool.
For the filling beat into a foam the eggs with sugar. Make whipped cream. Mix together mascarpone and orange zest and mix together with whipped cream. Lastly add carefully the egg mixture.
Cut the biscuit into two, moisten with the coffee-orange-brandy mixture. Add strawberries (if you wish) and half of the filling.
Put the second layer of biscuit on top. Repeat. Let stay in the fridge for a few hours, best if overnight. A bit of time before serving add the cocoa powder.
Before serving decorate with strawberries.
Source and Estonian recipe available at:
OK.. I do have one shameful story to share after all.. the morning after I had about 1/4th of the cake. At once. Later in the evening I spent 2 hours in the gym. Go figure! :)
hehee, ma just mõtlesingi, et kuidas sa selle TERVE koogi ära sööd ning mis sellele järgneb. "night at the gym" tundus loogilisena :))
Haha, I love how you just use whatever you have at home. How's that for honesty (and good $ skills)!
...and laziness! :D The supermarket 2 mins away is just wayyy too far!! :P
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