Saturday, April 24

Pasta salad with chicken and blue cheese sauce


This is my  favourite cold weather comfort salad! I rarely repeat recipes I've made with few exclusions and this is one of them. I got the original recipe from Finnish S-Market seasonal cookbook "Paras keittokirja No. 1" from 2004. If you are into Caesar salad I am sure you will like this as well. I am not into eating pork products, but I am starting to grow a liking for bacon. It can add so much flavour to food that it is addictive.

pasta salad with chicken and blue cheese sauce

4 portions


2 dl of pasta, make according to instructions (I used farfalle)

300 gr chicken fillet

1 package of bacon, sliced

150 gr of salad mix (be creative! Ruccola or basil would be perfect in addition to regular salad)

1 pear (peeled, cut into smaller strips)

1 dl of almond chips

1-2 tomatoes, cut into medium size pieces

150 gr blue cheese

2 dl of milk

salt and pepper to taste

First make the pasta. Roast the almond chips until brownish. Fry the bacon that has been cut into long strips, remove from the pan on a tissue to get rid of excess oil. Next fry the chicken fillet (add salt pepper to taste).

Meanwhile blend the milk with cheese into sauce.

prepare the salad base, add pears, pasta, tomatoes, bacon, almonds, and chicken that has been cut into small pieces. last but not least pour over the sauce and add pepper if you wish.

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